Project 32: Costa Rica

Project 32: Costa Rica
Country: Costa Rica
Varietals: Catuai, Caturra
Elevation: 1850 masl
Producers: Tarrazu Las Palomas
Processing: Fully Washed
Donny’s Experience
Smells & Flavors: Cherry Pie, Chocolate Milk, Baking Spices
Mike’s Experience
Smells & Flavors: Ripe Pears, Roasted Walnuts, Sweet Tangerines
Bag size: 12 oz
About the farm
The Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de Acosta y Aserrí (ASOPROAAA) is located in San José, Costa Rica. Juan Saborío, the current administrator and previous owner of the farm was the first to plant coffee on the property in 2018, knowing that this precise geographical location would yield some of the highest quality coffee. All processes are carried out at the plant, which are overseen by Javier Calderon. Parts of the farm’s coffee is used in Black Honey processing, which is when the cherry is partially left on the bean and then covered during drying. This process is one of the most complex and labor-intensive due to its long fermentation and drying times, but the outcome includes a full body with sweet and fruity depth. Other portions of their coffee undergoes a natural process, where the coffee is dried before any fruit is removed, resulting in a complex and fruity cup.